My grandfather, chimney sweep by profession, could sometimes come across as a bit coarse. He was, nonetheless, meticulous when it came to his wardrobe and dressed with a certain degree of elegance. He did not own many clothes, but the clothes he did have he knew how to care for. His Sunday best was brushed down after use and his collars starched. When out of his wingtips, he made sure to put shoetrees in them and followed this up with contemplative polishing.
Somewhere along the way we stopped caring – presumably when mass produced, cheap, and oftentimes deficient, clothing was introduced. Due to wear and tear the mere idea of garment care seemed distant. And this came to pass over the course of just one generation or two.
Nowadays though, when quality of fabric and pattern making – the passion for craftsmanship – is of interest once more, so is the need for proper care. In the light of this we are set to provide a superior range of garment care products, not emanating from the chemical industry or flung off conveyor belts, but products that will naturally and effectively give your garments a long life.
David Samuelsson, Founder